Paying attention to daily life, returning to your body and turning down the pressure in your thoughts is what mindfulness is all about. Why is it important? It’s to help you reduce anxiety with real positive impacts on your mind & body.
And guess what you don’t have to spend a lot of money & time, contort your body into awkward poses or trek to the Himalayas to practice mindfulness. Here are our five short & sweet mindful activities to try at no/basic cost, all at an accessible distance:
- Practice guided meditation: We aren't talking about a costly class! Just find a sliver of space and install meditation apps like Mindful or if you’ve already got a Netflix subscription then we recommend you to watch Headspace series on Netflix.
- Set aside a time for mindful creativity: Involve your mind in creative activities. How about trying to grow indoor plants for your home/office? Get yourself a stylish & simple self-watering planter & attract more positivity and productivity!
- Add small & simple acts of patience: Pay attention to the sounds you hear, the sensation of the wind on your skin, and the smells in the environment. Why not sip chai from kullad with your loved ones & stay present by focusing on your senses and surroundings?
- Focus on one thing at a time: Start by setting a timer for five minutes and devote 100% of your concentration to one task. Tell your app’s Siri or Alexa right now, “remind me to drink water in the morning”. Add the element of terracotta & copper to your bottle and make your to-do list as a form of mindfulness.
- Be self-compassionate: Showing yourself compassion is an important part of mindfulness. Being kind to yourself, as you would be kind to a dear friend or family member, can help you push through tough times and support yourself.
According to mindful.org, practising the above-mentioned activities daily can enhance life and bring self-confidence, self-compassion and peace of mind. Approaching mindful activities with a child-like curiosity will help facilitate that sense of awareness. Hopefully, by practising these simple activities, you can begin to be more mindful in everyday life.
Our brand, iCraft is right here to snap you back, making you aware of your body, to where you are and what you're doing and feeling. Be fully present with us, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. With our collection, we're here to craft your life, moment to moment.
Feel free to share your experiences with mindfulness in the comments below, as well as any techniques or exercises that you use to cultivate mindfulness in your life.
This is super insightful! Thanks :))